Grandpa likes the Taliban

"I think the Taliban are good", says Noor Mohamad Schams. He is the grandfather of reporter Mariam Noori. The new rulers have ended corruption and brought security, he says. An opinion that surprises his granddaughter, because her grandfather used to be an opponent of the Taliban. A journey through Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover..."

Death by drone: Germany and the U.S. drone warfare

As part of the “war on terror”, US drones are killing alleged “terrorists” all over the world. Time and again, however, they also hit innocent people. Panorama has meticulously traced how, for example, Afghan children were killed by a drone missile due to a mistake. In many cases, the US base in Ramstein, Germany, is involved.

Panorama, ARD and StrgF, 2022

The threat from the right: Never German enough?

ARD Panorama, 2024